Healthy Food for Body and Mind
COVID-19 has changed the world in the past two years. People are now more conscious about their physical and mental health. We have lost a lot in the pandemic. However, we have also gained more compassion towards nature, people, and many other things.
This is what we now aim to achieve through this campaign: more compassion, more acceptance, more gratitude, and more value through the Japanese food culture. In Japan, food is not merely a source of energy, but a way to connect with nature. Japanese cuisine is sustained by the rich variety of ingredients from fertile seas and land. The people of Japan admire nature and are mostly dependent on it. You must have heard the famous word “itadakimasu”.
This is used to express gratitude to the ingredients, to the producers, to the people who prepared the food, and to the blessings of nature.
Japanese food is healthy as there is less animal fat and the fish that is used has unsaturated fats that are considered good for the human body. We want to support the goal of a healthy lifestyle and sustainability so that we can achieve it together.

Here Begins our Journey!
History between India and Japan
The formal relations between Japan and India began in 1952. After WWII, instead of signing the multilateral San Francisco Peace Treaty, India opted for concluding a bilateral peace treaty with Japan, considering that honour and equality should be ensured for Japan to re- join the international community. This is the cornerstone for our long-standing friendship. And even before the establishment of diplomatic relations, the goodwill between the people of the two countries was deeply rooted through business, academic and cultural exchanges. In 1951, when India hosted 1st Asian Games in New Delhi, India invited Japanese athletes. This was one of the first occasions where Japanese flag was hoisted after WWII. This experience soothed the minds of Japanese people who were struggling to rebuild their country. After 70 years of multi-layered exchanges, the relationship between our two countries grew into a Special Strategic and Global Partnership. Our partnership is based on deep respect for each other’s contributions in promoting peace, stability and development in Asia and beyond. I am proud that today, especially under the leadership of both Prime Ministers, we recognise each other as a natural partner to work together for “Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP)” and various global issues.
What’s our Goal for the Future
"Building a future for our Centenary."
The 70th anniversary between our two countries is based on the theme- “Building a future for our Centenary.” This is the mantra that will guide us this year. The message is that we will together create our future and propel ourselves towards the 100th anniversary landmark and beyond. I strongly believe that the future offers enormous possibilities for our partnership. Firstly, we, as democratic countries in Asia, can cooperate with each other to contribute to global peace and prosperity. We share political, economic and strategic interests, based on the firm foundation of common values and traditions. Especially we are continuing our efforts to build a rules-based free and open international order. There is a plethora of fields that we can cooperate in security issues including such new fields as cyber, outer space and economic security. Secondly, economic relations can be further augmented. For long, Japan has been the largest ODA (Official Development Assistance) donor to India. One of the most recent and on-going example of our collaboration is the Mumbai- Ahmedabad High Speed Rail project. Japan is also one of the largest investors in India. Both countries have also promoted economic cooperation in third countries to enhance social infrastructure and connectivity. Our economic partnership can further strengthen the economy of the Indo-Pacific as well as globally.<br>
Just like we gained mutual understanding through literature, movies, music, and anime, we also want to make food a part of cultural exchange. Not only are we sharing Japanese ingredients, but we are also sharing our resources, as we all have limited resources and are responsible for saving for future generations. Together, we can build a future that is generous to nature and its abundance.
More detail:
▶︎”Building a future for our Centenary.”
Hopes for the Further Development of Friendly ties between Japan and India
The creator of this logo is Mr. Amanuel Tesfayea. Hopes for the further development of friendly ties between Japan and India takes shape as pigeons, symbols of peace and friendship, depicted in origami style.
More detail:

About the Campaign Colours
We would like to deliver the message of this promotion, the campaign colours embrace the “differences” and “cultures” of both Japan and India, and the theme colours appropriate for celebrating the 70th anniversary of Indo-Japan exchange are red, saffron, green, and yellow, which symbolise the flags of Japan and India.
In Japanese cuisine, the five colours of red, yellow, blue (green), white, and black are used in cooking and serving to achieve beauty and nutritional balance. The colourful differences symbolise the diversity of India and the different cultures of Japan and India, moreover they are
also presented in harmony on a single palette.
Japan and India have a long coastline in common, and the blue line representing the ocean represents the rich connection between the two countries.

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
The mission of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is to secure stable food supply, develop agricultural, forestry and fisheries industries, promote the welfare of farmers, forestry workers and fishery workers, develop rural areas and hilly and mountainous areas, realise multifunctionality of agriculture, promote conservation and cultivation of forests and enhance forest productivity, and ensure appropriate conservation and management of living aquatic resources.